• How to recognize the quality and condition hair

    How to recognize the quality and condition hair

    Hair is inherently aesthetic element gives the human beauty and women specifically , Emblazoned with the hair and gives confidence and femininity , Therefore called the crown of women, and there are some simple signs with which to identify the kind of hair and condition .

    The secretion of the sebaceous glands in the hair affects the nature and amount of secretion glands depends on genetic factors and environmental again, as influenced by hair preparations hair, all of which affect the nature of hair care and situations.

    It is Hair cases :

    -         Normal Hair

    Features natural hair to shine through natural  , and vital Among the most prominent attributes of the following :

    1-    Fine hair in most circumstances.
    2-    Hair free of dandruff .
    3-    The only washed twice a week .
    4-    Compatibility with normal skin .
    5-    hairstyle lasts for a longer period .
    6-    usually used acid detergent for hair care and that is the degree of acidity of 4.5 - 5.5 ph .

    -         Oily Hair

    Characterized by greasy hair that grows from the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands of the following characteristics :

    1. Increase gloss hair
    2. Wash 3 times a week at least
    3. fast flocculation
    4. disintegrate quickly Hairstyles
    5. Compatibility with oily skin
    6. compatible with paint and clear on the skin
    7. commonly used acid detergent from 4.5 - 5.5 ph to wash this type of hair may be used shampoos containing tar to wash this type of hair.

    -         Dry Hair

    Dry hair is characterized by loss of sparkle and vitality and viability of hair for the bombing, and the most prominent attributes of the following :

    1.    rough and dispersant
    2.    little luster
    3.    may only washed once a week
    4.    hairstyle lasts for a longer period
    5.    compatible with dry skin and rind
    6.    The use of detergents normally neutral pH of 7 ph her to take care of this type of hair.

    Just know , How to recognize the quality and condition hair ?

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